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Matzon Ákos

(1945, Budapest)

.As we look back on the stages of his extremely meaningful activity, we can say that Ákos Matzon first successfully mingled graphic and painting resources, then he broke up planes only to build new planes upon his basic ones, and while breaking through all of them he changed his works into so many terrains of relief. By building relief planes one upon the other, and also by ruining some of his relief surfaces, he managed to bring forth some negative relief spaces and thereby works with a curious irradiation. His works have used well-known elements – squares, oblongs, circles, and their mixtures – to create highly unusual systems that hold out as their most important asset: the line. Lines in Matzon’s work appear in an illusory, highly abstracted sphere.


Waves 2. (1998)

relief, acrylic on wood (50cm x 50cm)

355-Matzon Ákos-Hullámok 2-1998-akril, fa, relief-50x50 cm.jpg

Waves 3. (1998)

relief, acrylic on wood (50cm x 50cm)

356-Matzon Ákos-Hullámok 3-1998-akril, fa, relief-50x50 cm.jpg
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